Anyone who believes that anything can be suited to anyone is a great fool, because medicine is practiced not on mankind in general, but on every individual in particular.
-Henri De Mondeville (Father of French surgery, 1260-1316)
Good eating habits may take a while to adopt and cultivate once you decide to. But the amazing response that the body shows after the adoption of good eating habit will make you free from the regular discomfort and there is no chance of giving up it unless you are so careless about your health. Also there will be an urge towards continuous curiosity about health conscious diet.
It is clear with all developed research studies that the food that we eat has its effect almost on every part of our body including nails, skin and even hairs. Healthy eating habit prolongs our life by providing the systems and organs of our body the fuel they need to sustain capability to attain longevity.
On a fine note, when what we eat is healthy, do we need medicine? If you go and see the root, nature knows what its children needs to live. Ask your nature, see what she is producing on what season and cultivate the habit of eating seasonal vegetables and fruits to eat. It may not good to lunfollow the nature's rules. Remember, we are part of nature.
An Ayurvedic dietary habit that has been around from last 5000 years and more will be useful to those trying to make dietary changes without doing extensive research on types of food that provide important minerals and vitamins.
Ayurveda plans a diet in different way. Persons having same height, weight, BMI will have different body types accoriding to ayurevda. No individual is alike completely with another. So called Hi tech life of modern era cant has no answers for plenty of newly coming up diseases. Too many idiopaths!
1) Prakriti, which is the body type and which decides what all about an individual journey of life with health or illness.
2) Intensity of digestive power, which is called as Agni in Ayurveda.
3) Time factor, which can be considered in different perspectives like, time taken for digestion, time of the day, time in season, etc.
The above said three factors play major role in the digestive process according to Ayurvedic view.
-Henri De Mondeville (Father of French surgery, 1260-1316)
Good eating habits may take a while to adopt and cultivate once you decide to. But the amazing response that the body shows after the adoption of good eating habit will make you free from the regular discomfort and there is no chance of giving up it unless you are so careless about your health. Also there will be an urge towards continuous curiosity about health conscious diet.
It is clear with all developed research studies that the food that we eat has its effect almost on every part of our body including nails, skin and even hairs. Healthy eating habit prolongs our life by providing the systems and organs of our body the fuel they need to sustain capability to attain longevity.
On a fine note, when what we eat is healthy, do we need medicine? If you go and see the root, nature knows what its children needs to live. Ask your nature, see what she is producing on what season and cultivate the habit of eating seasonal vegetables and fruits to eat. It may not good to lunfollow the nature's rules. Remember, we are part of nature.
Ayurvedic dietary habit:
An Ayurvedic dietary habit that has been around from last 5000 years and more will be useful to those trying to make dietary changes without doing extensive research on types of food that provide important minerals and vitamins.
Ayurveda plans a diet in different way. Persons having same height, weight, BMI will have different body types accoriding to ayurevda. No individual is alike completely with another. So called Hi tech life of modern era cant has no answers for plenty of newly coming up diseases. Too many idiopaths!
1) Prakriti, which is the body type and which decides what all about an individual journey of life with health or illness.
2) Intensity of digestive power, which is called as Agni in Ayurveda.
3) Time factor, which can be considered in different perspectives like, time taken for digestion, time of the day, time in season, etc.
The above said three factors play major role in the digestive process according to Ayurvedic view.
Simple rules to adopt:
- Hot and fresh : Warm and fresh food are easily digestible and has natural taste. Avoid eating cooked food that has been stored in refrigerators.
- Quantity: One should consume proper quantity as per digestive power. Always consider, stomach must be filled in three major inputs, food, water and air. Which means, eat one third of your stomach capacity. Drink one third and leave one third. which clearly says, the digestion and mix up of food with digestive juices inside stomach will produce a litle gas as well which must not burp up. Over eating increases burden on body organs to function normally. Over pressure in the stomach, discomfort in stomach, flanks and chest suggests you are over eating.
- Right Time: Ayurveda says the meal must be taken after the previous meal is digested. Frequent meal will interrupt normal complete digestion which may cause to stuck some undigested material on process of digestion. Having meals in proper time will help tyo prevent imbalance of doshas especially of digestive tract.
- Right place: Your eating place must be clean and calm. Proper position is important. Should not eat in awkward positions like sitting in deep cushioned couch, lying down on bed, walking and eating, driving and eating, involving in some serious activities like talking loudly on the table in group, talking on phone, watching television or computer.
- Incompatible foods: Certian foods must not be taken or consumed together which increases toxins in the body when taken together. Some of the foods listed are, Diary products and meat, Salty food with milk, Fish with yogurt or milk, Milk and yogurt in excess, Ice cream and yogurt in night, Non-season food. This topic will be discussed in detail soon as it needs a big attention.
- Take your time: Dont rush to eat. system has its own rule in doing everything. One can not download a one gig file in just ten seconds on any modern device. It is rule. Human digestive system has also certain time that it takes to undergo a complete digestion. Dont be too lazy while eating too.
- Eat only when you are hungry: One should understand the body needs. It is unfortunate that we listen to our motor car sounds than our own body system's. We rush to our mechanic immediately if any wrong sounds break the harmony of our driving. But what about our body. Listening to our body is an art. One who get the art can achieve long life. Nothing is gifted for nothing.
- Drinking water during the meals: Should not drink water immediately after the meals. The food is mixing up with the digestive juice which must be little acidic. Pouring water on top of the food may neutralize the pH which delays the digestion or may interrupt the digestion.
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