Thursday, 30 October 2014

Importance of proper bowel evacuation in day to day life.

Every little movement has a meaning all its own.
-Otto Harbach

Dinacharya in Ayurveda emphasizes on evacuation of bowels every morning. Thats all. But whys do we consider evacuating bowels in the morning? What happens if we don’t evacuate in the morning, if we skip it or if we neglect about.

You may thing it is not an important thing as you keep your time to reach your office or attend to your meating.
It is your day that begins with the waste management. It is your day which begins with the order of nature and the day begin like that has a huge lightness, physically and psychologically.

Why waste management?

Ayurveda strongly proposes its theories with the relation between microcosm and macrocosm. During night, the active principle in nature is moon and the body metabolism during the night concentrates much on nurturing, lubricating and cooling the organs. This process will also end up with some little wastes in the form of urine and stool which must be eliminated in the morning. If someone don’t pass stool in the morning carries the waste of last night night throughout the day. Day where solar energy is predominant, because of the nature of solar energy; waste deposited in the rectum gets dried up resulting in constipation or improperly formed stool.  The toxins that the body wanted to get rid of will be released again into the system. Seat of Apana vata( a type of vata seated in lower abdomen which helps to eliminate wastes) will be spoiled and the functions like menstration, sexual activity will also get affected. If the waste management does not work out according to the body intelligence, another fatigued drowsy and irritable day opens its black carpet for you.
Ayurveda focuses much on digestive system when we consider an optimum health. Agni, the basic digestive principle which must be nourished properly throughout the life can only be achieved with proper intake and perfect output.

So according to Ayurveda, one should be aware of natural waste management, evacuation of colon every day in the morning is very important. Passing stool twice a day is normal, but at least once a day, especially in the morning is essential to have an active day.

Improper evacuation syndrome ?

As discussed in last paragraph, improper elimination can cause so many successive problems of different systems.  
Improper digestive system is because of several dietary and lifestyle causes. And these causes will affect whole digestive system, not only colon.

Following are some of the simple line of advice as per Ayurveda texts to maintain a proper evacuation:
The entire digestive system must be worked out. Maintain proper agni, the basic digestive principle with following methods.
Don’t over eat.
Relax and eat. Don’t be overactive during eating. Don’t rush during eating.
Don’t reduce the quantity of eating unnecessarily.
Don’t fast unnecessarily.
Balance what you eat. Proper dietary fiber, hot soups, adequate water per day, fruits, ghee in food makes the food easily digestible causing proper evacuation.
Diluted sour milk with salt and hing taken along food helps bowel movement.
Don’t read or don’t peep in your ipad or in cellphone sitting on a commode. Let  Apaana vaata to carry its function normally.

On a overview, one should give double importance to evacuation of bowel every morning than giving importance towards calculating the calories of in our daily food.

-Dr Kanada Narahari.